Team Member Name: Dale Nicholas
Publication Cartoon Stock Date:3/16/10
Cartoonist: Jason Love U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Denny's Cartoon# 1
What action is taking place in the cartoon? The cartoon shows a reporter in front of the Washington Monument reporting that, " thousands of people gathered today to protest laws on marijuana, when suddenly everyone lost interest and ended up in a local Denny's." Apparently, the individuals needed to fulfill their munchies. The rally was Pro Legalization.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Publication Cartoon Stock Date:3/16/10
Cartoonist: Jason Love U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Denny's Cartoon# 1
What action is taking place in the cartoon? The cartoon shows a reporter in front of the Washington Monument reporting that, " thousands of people gathered today to protest laws on marijuana, when suddenly everyone lost interest and ended up in a local Denny's." Apparently, the individuals needed to fulfill their munchies. The rally was Pro Legalization.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
One reality constructed is that marijuana shortens users attention span. It shows that people will not be able to focus on the task at hand, and also do anything to satisfy their cravings.
Publication FREELANCE Date:11/29/2010
Cartoonist: Steve Greenberg U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Calif Marijuana laws Cartoon# 2
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The cartoonist is comparing medical marijuana with recreational pot. Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Cartoonist: Steve Greenberg U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Calif Marijuana laws Cartoon# 2
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The cartoonist is comparing medical marijuana with recreational pot. Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Appears to have no side for pro or con only making the comparison that in both cases the laws are unclear inconsistent and up for any type of interpretation.
This cartoon describes the battle with medical marijuana claims the laws are convoluted and confusing, also the laws proposed in prop 19 are just as confusing. An article by Daniel B. Wood describes where the confusion comes from, legal experts say California has the right to legalize recreational weed, however the federal CSA (controlled substances act) has the right to enforce against, US Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Obama administration would “vigorously enforce” federal drug laws against recreational use. Whether or not Prop 19 is confusing the conflicting interest between federal and state enforcement would be enough to discourage any one from buying taxed weed defeating the purpose of the proposition.
Team Member Name: Colton Thompson
Publication: San Diego Union Tribune Date: 10-21-10
Cartoonist: Steve Breen U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Selling Snake Oil Cartoon#3
What action is taking place in the cartoon? A traveling salesman gives a pitch to an audience for the product, "legal pot." He raves, "yessir folks - It raises revenue! It helps law enforcement! It hurts Drug Cartels -Under the words "Legal Pot," a sign reads "snake oil."
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Cartoonist Steve Breen constructs a reality that supporters of Prop 19 are simply selling snake oil. "Snake Oil" refers to any product that is useless questionable, or exaggerated, but the salesman does all that he can to make you believe it is good.
Team Member Name: Scott Tippetts
Publication Washington Post Date: NOT POSTED
Cartoonist:_ Signe Wilkinson U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: The BIG problem with relaxing marijuana laws. Fat America. I’ve got the munchies. Cartoon# 4
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
An obese man is high, giving him the munchies. The last thing an obese man needs is cravings for more food.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Publication Washington Post Date: NOT POSTED
Cartoonist:_ Signe Wilkinson U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: The BIG problem with relaxing marijuana laws. Fat America. I’ve got the munchies. Cartoon# 4
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
An obese man is high, giving him the munchies. The last thing an obese man needs is cravings for more food.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Legalizing marijuana will only contribute to America's obesity issues. According to, the United States is already the most obese country in the world. Also, studies have shown that smoking marijuana increases an individuals want for food. Just compare Matthew Perry to when he was on pot....and when he was off of pot.
This cartoon argues that relaxing marijuana laws will only enable those who are already over relaxed and creating an epidemic of obesity created from our already serious obesity issue. I could not find any creditable supporting evidence that this is not true there are many article showing research that marijuana does cause “munchies” by triggering a receptor in your brain that is supposed to trigger during times of famine, not only does your desire to eat increase but your body will store fat for a famine scenario.
Team Member Name: Scott Tippetts
Publication: The Fresno Bee Date:9/24/2010
Cartoonist SW Parra U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: The Harvest Cartoon# 5
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The hand of law enforcement and the hand of medical marijuana are playing a game of "she loves me, she loves me not," using a marijuana leaf.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer) Does not take a side, only shows the conflict between law and medicine.
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Publication: The Fresno Bee Date:9/24/2010
Cartoonist SW Parra U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: The Harvest Cartoon# 5
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The hand of law enforcement and the hand of medical marijuana are playing a game of "she loves me, she loves me not," using a marijuana leaf.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer) Does not take a side, only shows the conflict between law and medicine.
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
As long as the law is not black and white, citizens can interpret the law how they choose and so can law enforcement.
Team Member Name: Dale Nicholas
Publication: Los Angeles Daily News Date: Nov, 3, 2010
Cartoonist: Bill Schorr U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon:Prop 19 Loses cartoon# 6
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Two college students sitting on the couch, smoking weed, and watching TV realize they forgot to vote on prop 19.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
It is another cartoon showing marijuana makes people forget whatever they are supposed to do. It looks as if nothing is more important to marijuana users than to sit on a couch watching TV and eating chips. Also, it
conveys the "reality" that pot users are not responsible.
The population of California is nearly 40,000,000 75% are of voting age 27,721,248 during presidential elections only half of those able actually vote, estimated 13,860,624 for a presidential election, the turn out for the vote on prop 19-27 had a turnout of 4,643,592 for and 5,333,230 against total of 9,976,822 just barley shy of 10 million taking the population who voted on prop 19 comparing that against the population of age I found 3,880,974 voters did not vote where they all at home high on marijuana? Highly unlikely, votes needed for prop 19 to tie would have only been 689,638 where there less than ¾ of a million at home getting high during the election? Very possible, could the results have been different had more recreational pot smokers voted as depicted in this cartoon? Perhaps, but there has been no research study to prove the theory.
Team Member Name: Dale Nicholas
Publication Fresno Bee Date: Oct 23, 2010
Cartoonist: SW Parra U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Prop 19 Cartoon#7
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Publication Fresno Bee Date: Oct 23, 2010
Cartoonist: SW Parra U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Prop 19 Cartoon#7
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
A Cowboy riding a horse backwards is smoking a blunt, instead of a Marlboro cigarette.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
It gives the appearance that if California were to legalize marijuana it would be moving in a backwards direction. The brand on the horses hip shows California. The cowboy sitting backwards makes it appear that he is too high to do things properly.
Team Member Name: Landon Kohler
Publication:Cagel cartoons Date: 1/14/2008
Cartoonist: Arcadio Esquivel U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Smoking Cartoon#8
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Publication:Cagel cartoons Date: 1/14/2008
Cartoonist: Arcadio Esquivel U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Smoking Cartoon#8
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The Statue of Liberty is smoking a joint, indicating the severity of the drug problem in the U.S.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
America is extremely addicted to illegal drugs. Experts estimate that 1% of New York spends $200 a weekend on illicit drugs, which adds up to be $832 million a year. And that's just in New York City. This shows that people are doing drugs whether they are illegal or not and are spending billions of dollars nation wide for them.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
America is extremely addicted to illegal drugs. Experts estimate that 1% of New York spends $200 a weekend on illicit drugs, which adds up to be $832 million a year. And that's just in New York City. This shows that people are doing drugs whether they are illegal or not and are spending billions of dollars nation wide for them.
Team Member Name: Landon Kohler
Publication: Freelance, Los Angeles Date:12/10/09
Cartoonist: Steve Greenberg U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: LA Pot Clinics Chase Cartoon#9
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The City Council of Los Angeles are chasing bunny's around, which represent pot clinics. It goes with the notion that rabbits breed very fast, just like pot clinics in Los Angeles.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Because of the legalization of Medical Marijuana in California, there have been hundreds of "Cannabis Clubs" opening up all over in Los Angeles. They have been popping up so rapidly that the City Council is having a tough time keeping them under control. This sheds an ugly light on the legalization of marijuana, in the fact that if we have a problem controlling marijuana clinics at the level it is at now, what kind of problems would we have if we legalized it entirely?
Publication: Freelance, Los Angeles Date:12/10/09
Cartoonist: Steve Greenberg U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: LA Pot Clinics Chase Cartoon#9
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The City Council of Los Angeles are chasing bunny's around, which represent pot clinics. It goes with the notion that rabbits breed very fast, just like pot clinics in Los Angeles.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Because of the legalization of Medical Marijuana in California, there have been hundreds of "Cannabis Clubs" opening up all over in Los Angeles. They have been popping up so rapidly that the City Council is having a tough time keeping them under control. This sheds an ugly light on the legalization of marijuana, in the fact that if we have a problem controlling marijuana clinics at the level it is at now, what kind of problems would we have if we legalized it entirely?
Team Member Name: Landon Kohler
Publication: Date: 3/25/2010
Cartoonist: Daryl Cagle U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Marijuana in California Cartoon#10
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Publication: Date: 3/25/2010
Cartoonist: Daryl Cagle U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Marijuana in California Cartoon#10
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The image shows the state flag of California. On the flag is a bear high as a kite, due to the result of heavy puffing of the magic dragon. The cartoon deals with prop 19 and also the legalization of medical marijuana in the state of California.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
If marijuana is legalized in the state of California, then the state might as well just play "puff the magic dragon" all over because thats what everyone in California will be doing. The cartoon frames California as a drug endused state. The flag represents the state of California, and the bear as its people. Showing the bear high as a kite is stating that all of the people of California are going to be that way if marijuana is legalized.
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
If marijuana is legalized in the state of California, then the state might as well just play "puff the magic dragon" all over because thats what everyone in California will be doing. The cartoon frames California as a drug endused state. The flag represents the state of California, and the bear as its people. Showing the bear high as a kite is stating that all of the people of California are going to be that way if marijuana is legalized.
Team Member Name: Landon Kohler
Publication: Date: 3/162008
Cartoonist: Taylor Jones U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: For Whatever Ails You. Cartoon#11
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
A doctor is holding up a joint that he has pulled out of his medical tool bag. Thanks to prop 215 that passed in 1996, and then another bill that passed in 2000, it made it legal for people to smoke marijuana for medical reasons as long as they had a recommendation from their physician.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
The doctor is pulling a joint out of his medical equipment bag, one by the looks of his eyes he has enjoyed a litte bit. In the cartoon the doctor is not only smoking the joint but pulling it out of his medical bag which gives the idea that he recommends it to others. A doctor in american soceity is seen as someone very inteligent, and if a doctor is seen smoking marijuana, it is giving the assumption that someone who is smart and knows medicine is saying that marijuana is harmless and can benefit everyone, not just people who are sick.
Publication: Date: 3/162008
Cartoonist: Taylor Jones U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: For Whatever Ails You. Cartoon#11
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
A doctor is holding up a joint that he has pulled out of his medical tool bag. Thanks to prop 215 that passed in 1996, and then another bill that passed in 2000, it made it legal for people to smoke marijuana for medical reasons as long as they had a recommendation from their physician.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
The doctor is pulling a joint out of his medical equipment bag, one by the looks of his eyes he has enjoyed a litte bit. In the cartoon the doctor is not only smoking the joint but pulling it out of his medical bag which gives the idea that he recommends it to others. A doctor in american soceity is seen as someone very inteligent, and if a doctor is seen smoking marijuana, it is giving the assumption that someone who is smart and knows medicine is saying that marijuana is harmless and can benefit everyone, not just people who are sick.
Team Member Name: Scott Tippetts
Publication: The Rome News-Tribune Date:_3/17/2010
Cartoonist: Mike Lester U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Mexican Dope Violence Cartoon#12
What action is taking place in the cartoon? A question reads: "What's fueling the Mexican Dope Wars?" The answer to the question is an illustration of an American “dope.”
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Cartoonist: Mike Lester U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Mexican Dope Violence Cartoon#12
What action is taking place in the cartoon? A question reads: "What's fueling the Mexican Dope Wars?" The answer to the question is an illustration of an American “dope.”
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
The American consumption of marijuana is the driving force of violence in Mexico.
Team Member Name: Landon Kohler
Publication: Date: 12/13/2006
Cartoonist: Nerilicon U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: War on Drugs Cartoon#13
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
A giant gangster drug lord with big guns is looking down at the tiny little tank which appears to be shanking in fear.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Nerilicon is showing the power that the Mexican drugs cartels have, by having the Mexican drug lord being dominantly bigger then the tank is showing who is really winning the war on drugs. From Marijuana sales, Cartels get 60-70% of their drug money from Marijuana sales, sales that have averaged over 10 billions dollars a year since 1988 to today. All that kinda money as you see in the cartoon goes into buying millions of rounds of ammunition and thousands of guns for Mexican drug lords. If the government was able to legalize Marijuana not only would they prevent this money from going into the wrong hands but they would also be able to save over 9 billion dollars in tax money that is used to prosecute and incarcerate Marijuana offenders.
Publication: Date: 12/13/2006
Cartoonist: Nerilicon U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: War on Drugs Cartoon#13
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
A giant gangster drug lord with big guns is looking down at the tiny little tank which appears to be shanking in fear.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Nerilicon is showing the power that the Mexican drugs cartels have, by having the Mexican drug lord being dominantly bigger then the tank is showing who is really winning the war on drugs. From Marijuana sales, Cartels get 60-70% of their drug money from Marijuana sales, sales that have averaged over 10 billions dollars a year since 1988 to today. All that kinda money as you see in the cartoon goes into buying millions of rounds of ammunition and thousands of guns for Mexican drug lords. If the government was able to legalize Marijuana not only would they prevent this money from going into the wrong hands but they would also be able to save over 9 billion dollars in tax money that is used to prosecute and incarcerate Marijuana offenders.
Team Member Name: Landon Kohler Date:3/26/2009
Publication: The Record of Hackensack, NJ
Cartoonist: Jimmy Margulies U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Mexican Drug Gangs Cartoon#14
What action is taking place in the cartoon? A Mexican gang member is holding up two pistols, and strapped around his chest are two belts full of needles.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
The cartoon is showing a mexican holding two guns. The ammunition around his chest is actually drug needles, which is the ammunition used by the mexican drug dealers to create profit. The U.S spends millions of dollars a year on drugs that the mexican drug dealers profited from. I view this cartoon as being supportive because if the U.S were to legalize marijuana then we could commercialize it and put the Mexican drug dealers out of business.
Team Member Name: Landon Kohler
Publication: The Ottawa Citizen Date:3/7/2005
Cartoonist: Cardow U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Canada Harmless dope Cartoon#15
What action is taking place in the cartoon? Two friends are sitting on their couch talking about how harmless marijuana is. You then look at the newspaper that is laying on the table that says "Service For Slain RCMP Officers."
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
The reality of the cartoon is the kids are saying that marijuana is harmless. This is true in regards to the drugs effect on the body of the user, but it puts police officers and innocent civilians in harms way daily through drug trafficking, or illegal grow operations. The reality is that the process to get drugs is very dangerous. I think this cartoon would be very supportive of legalizing marijuana because it would eliminate the illegal activity that it currently needs to supply the drug.
Publication: The Ottawa Citizen Date:3/7/2005
Cartoonist: Cardow U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Canada Harmless dope Cartoon#15
What action is taking place in the cartoon? Two friends are sitting on their couch talking about how harmless marijuana is. You then look at the newspaper that is laying on the table that says "Service For Slain RCMP Officers."
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
The reality of the cartoon is the kids are saying that marijuana is harmless. This is true in regards to the drugs effect on the body of the user, but it puts police officers and innocent civilians in harms way daily through drug trafficking, or illegal grow operations. The reality is that the process to get drugs is very dangerous. I think this cartoon would be very supportive of legalizing marijuana because it would eliminate the illegal activity that it currently needs to supply the drug.
Team Member Name: Colton Thompson
Publication: AAEC Date:11/3/10
Cartoonist: Signe Wilkinson U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: NO TITLE Cartoon#16
What action is taking place in the cartoon? Three drug dealers from California sell marijuana late at night to a person in a car. The drug dealer furthest left says, "I cant wait to vote against legalizing marijuana."
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana? The reality constructed by Wilkisnon is that marijuana users and dealers are eager to vote "no" on Prop 19. This seems ironic, but it is completely accurate. There are many reasons weed dealers and users did not want prop 19 to pass. If legalized, buyers would have to purchase from giant monopolies with licenses, they could't possess more than 1 oz at a time, and penalties for misuse would be more severe.
Publication: AAEC Date:11/3/10
Cartoonist: Signe Wilkinson U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: NO TITLE Cartoon#16
What action is taking place in the cartoon? Three drug dealers from California sell marijuana late at night to a person in a car. The drug dealer furthest left says, "I cant wait to vote against legalizing marijuana."
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana? The reality constructed by Wilkisnon is that marijuana users and dealers are eager to vote "no" on Prop 19. This seems ironic, but it is completely accurate. There are many reasons weed dealers and users did not want prop 19 to pass. If legalized, buyers would have to purchase from giant monopolies with licenses, they could't possess more than 1 oz at a time, and penalties for misuse would be more severe.
Team Member Name: Colton Thompson
Publication: Boulder Daily Date: 11/11/09
Cartoonist: Hap Pitkin U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: NO TITLE Cartoon#17
What action is taking place in the cartoon? A husband and wife are enjoying an evening conversation in their living room. The wife reads a statistic from the newspaper stating that the number of licenses for medical marijuana businesses increased from 7 to 37, in which the husband replies "WHOA. MUST BE A BIG GLAUCOMA OUTBREAK."
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana? In this cartoon, the husband uses sarcasm with the phrase, "whoa, must be a big glaucoma outbreak." People are smoking "medical" marijuana even if they have no ailment such as glaucoma. Also, businesses are obtaining marijuana licenses to make money, even if it is not ethical, or for medical purposes.
Publication: Boulder Daily Date: 11/11/09
Cartoonist: Hap Pitkin U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: NO TITLE Cartoon#17
What action is taking place in the cartoon? A husband and wife are enjoying an evening conversation in their living room. The wife reads a statistic from the newspaper stating that the number of licenses for medical marijuana businesses increased from 7 to 37, in which the husband replies "WHOA. MUST BE A BIG GLAUCOMA OUTBREAK."
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana? In this cartoon, the husband uses sarcasm with the phrase, "whoa, must be a big glaucoma outbreak." People are smoking "medical" marijuana even if they have no ailment such as glaucoma. Also, businesses are obtaining marijuana licenses to make money, even if it is not ethical, or for medical purposes.
Team Member Name: Colton Thompson
Publication: Cagle Cartoons or Harford courant Date: 6/8/10
Cartoonist:Bob Englehart U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Marijuana While Driving. Cartoon#18
What action is taking place in the cartoon? Two potheads are sitting in a car having a conversation. One states that recent research has shown that marijuana use has little effect on driving skills. The other replies. "so let's go," while the driver claims, "I cant find my keys."
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana? The two friends are negatively framed as being idiots. Artist Bob Englehart is making the point that, yes you could still drive a car while high, but you are also a moron, and it impairs other skills.
Publication: Cagle Cartoons or Harford courant Date: 6/8/10
Cartoonist:Bob Englehart U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Marijuana While Driving. Cartoon#18
What action is taking place in the cartoon? Two potheads are sitting in a car having a conversation. One states that recent research has shown that marijuana use has little effect on driving skills. The other replies. "so let's go," while the driver claims, "I cant find my keys."
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana? The two friends are negatively framed as being idiots. Artist Bob Englehart is making the point that, yes you could still drive a car while high, but you are also a moron, and it impairs other skills.
Team Member Name: Colton Thompson
Publication: AAEC Date: 2/1/10
Cartoonist: Ed Stein U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Recovery Cartoon#19
What action is taking place in the cartoon? A woman and her friend are talking over coffee. One lady is sharing how great things have been since her husband, Harold, got an "economic marijuana prescription," from his accountant. In the background, Harold is kicking it, laid back, scruff on face, and saying," No job, I'm broke, house in foreclosure. whatever- its all cool man."
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana? Marijuana can solve any problem, especially financial stresses. The artist uses satire to make the audience realize this is ridiculous, and that smoking pot, whether "economically" prescribed or not, will not solve any real problems.
Publication: AAEC Date: 2/1/10
Cartoonist: Ed Stein U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Recovery Cartoon#19
What action is taking place in the cartoon? A woman and her friend are talking over coffee. One lady is sharing how great things have been since her husband, Harold, got an "economic marijuana prescription," from his accountant. In the background, Harold is kicking it, laid back, scruff on face, and saying," No job, I'm broke, house in foreclosure. whatever- its all cool man."
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana? Marijuana can solve any problem, especially financial stresses. The artist uses satire to make the audience realize this is ridiculous, and that smoking pot, whether "economically" prescribed or not, will not solve any real problems.
Team Member Name: Scott Tippetts
Publication: Date: 6/4/2008
Cartoonist: Andy Singer U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Marijuana CSA program Cartoon# 20
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
A man is watching a news report on new CSA program supporting marijuana farms.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
Publication: Date: 6/4/2008
Cartoonist: Andy Singer U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Marijuana CSA program Cartoon# 20
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
A man is watching a news report on new CSA program supporting marijuana farms.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of legalizing marijuana (circle answer)
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of legalizing marijuana (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about de-criminalizing marijuana?
This cartoon is making reference to Oregon’s CSA (community supported agriculture) program there is no supporting evidence that such an event took place this cartoon is likely taking a satire approach to the possibility that marijuana laws will be loosens so has gone to the other side of the playing field by saying heck why don’t we just open this up to the CSA and start getting this in bulk!
the last frame quotes the city official saying the program “supports local farmers , said a smiling city official with bloodshot eyes. You got any snacks?” this last frame frames the reality that the city officials are not interested in the farmers as much as they are for their own purposes, based on published evidence from and the city and council member are very pro weed last year declaring a week to the observing of medicinal marijuana and having 25,000 citizens holding medicinal marijuana prescriptions.